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Vodafone Bills

Have you ever wondered 'Is my Vodafone bill fair?'

Many loyal customers of Vodafone are charged much more than new customers who have just joined. Now for the first time you can quickly check whether you are being overcharged.

Check my Vodafone bill

Why is your Vodafone bill higher than others?

The amount you pay often depends on how loyal you’ve been to Vodafone . If you joined on a cheap offer then after a time you could have been moved up to a higher “Standard Tariff” and then a loyal customer could have had ten years of price hikes added to their bill. At the same time, services that might have been premium when you signed up are now being given away to new Vodafone customers for free. This is called the loyalty penalty and 8 out of 10 people are overpaying as a result.
Switching provider isn’t the answer either, most people don’t want to switch, they just want a better deal - that’s where comes in.

How can ismybillfair help you with your Vodafone bill?

We help you to check your Vodafone bill to find out if you are being ripped off. In just 60 seconds we show you how your bill compares to what other people pay Vodafone for a similar package. If you find out that you aren’t getting a fair deal, we can ask Vodafone to give you a fairer deal for staying with them or help you switch. We have helped thousands of Vodafone customers to get a fair deal. Best of all, this service is completely free.

Is your bill fair? Check my Vodafone bill

See what some of our customers are saying about Vodafone and!

Problems with Vodafone phone or broadband? Here's how to contact them

Call Vodafone Customer Services for free on 191 from a Vodafone mobile or 03333 040 191. Click here for more information on Vodafone help and support

How to complain to Vodafone

To complain about your Vodafone services call 03333 041 524. Alternatively, you can write to Customer Relations Manager, Vodafone Limited, The Connection, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 2FN. Vodafone say that they aim to solve the problem for you within 5 days.

How does ismybillfair work?

We show you what other people are paying for the same services that you have. We take care to keep this information accurate so that you can trust what you see. Then we can challenge your provider to review your bill and offer you a better deal. We have helped tens of thousands of UK customers, many of whom have had hundreds of pounds a year slashed from their bill

How much does it cost?

Our service is 100% free. No fees whatsoever, and your data is completely safe.

How long does it take?

We usually recommend to give Vodafone 3-7 working days to reply to your challenge.

Has anyone done this before?

Over 500,000 people have used our service since we launched it in 2018. We can help you check and challenge your broadband, mobile phone, energy and even your breakdown bills.

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Is your bill fair? Check my bills

Is your bill fair?